Some books just get under your skin.
That is how I feel about Seth Godin's latest book, Tribes.
I have been aware of the book for awhile, when I joined Seth's experimental online community named Triiibes a few months ago.
I had to laugh when I saw the name for the first time, since I was working on a chapter of my book called Recruit Your Tribe. I assured Seth that I chose that name before knowing about his new book. Tribe is a big word around my house since I am married to a Navajo man, and through his company we work with other Native American tribes all over the state of Arizona.
The concept of the book is quite straightforward, quoting Seth:
“It’s simple: there are tribes everywhere now, inside and outside of organizations, in public and in private, in nonprofits, in classrooms, across the planet. Every one of these tribes is yearning for leadership and connection. This is an opportunity for you –an opportunity to find and assemble a tribe and lead it. The question isn’t, Is it possible for me to do that? Now the question is, “Will I choose to do it?”
I have been haunted by this question on every one of my coaching calls since I read the book. A lot of times, clients wonder if they have what it takes to implement a business idea. To make money. To be able to quit their job and take care of themselves without a paycheck.
But shifting the question to "are you ready to lead your tribe?" brings things to a whole new level. It changes the game. The results have already been so powerful they give me the chills.
Finding You
I vividly remember when I decided to find my own tribe, you all. I knew that I didn't want to consult in large companies anymore. The environments were getting more and more toxic. I knew that most people were interested in getting out, not learning how to operate more effectively as employees.
I felt that there were people I could help. But I didn't have any idea how to reach them. This was before I knew about blogs (really -- before starting my blog three years ago, I didn't know what a blog was and had never read one).
What was I to do, sneak into the cafeterias of former clients and slip their employees fliers?
Thankfully, I started to blog. And it was like being given a golden key that opened the back door to a vast community of people desperate to know that they weren't crazy for hating their cushy jobs. I found my people and have been laughing and learning with you ever since. And as I thought about it, I guess I have been leading too, in my own way.
For all these reasons, I am really excited to talk to Seth live on Monday about his new book. And joining us will be Dan Pink, bestselling author of A Whole New Mind and The Adventures of Johnny Bunko and Keith Ferrazzi, bestselling author of Never Eat Alone.
Elizabeth Marshall, founder of (and recent co-author herself of The Contrarian Effect with Michael Port) will lead the discussion.
To sign up, go here.
I really hope you can join us. I am very excited about the book and the call. If you can't attend live, sign up anyway and you can listen to the recording at your convenience.
Seeing as this panel will happen three days before I turn in the final copy of my own book (October 30, really, this is it!), I am hoping that sitting on a call with three best-selling authors will zap me with some magic book selling mojo-filled fairy dust. A new tribe, perhaps? :)
Here is a link to download the recording or listen online if you missed the call!
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