Escape from Cubicle Nation layout is experiencing technical difficulties
I apologize to my blog visitors today -- with no provocation or re-design on my part, my blog layout is acting up for some reason. I have never had problems with this before, so I am working with Typepad technical support to resolve it.
It must be related to the wonderful plug I got from Robert Middleton (and his mailing list of near 50,000 ) today -- isn't it always the case that technical difficulties arrive at the most inconvenient times?
Stay tuned, hopefully things will improve soon.
Update 8/15 early morning: We are back! Long, frustrating story that I am glad has come to an end. Sweet dreams everyone!
That sounds great!
Posted by: Coach Outlet Store Online | Monday, 12 December 2011 at 12:34 AM
The part is a little technical, but they sure figure it out.
Posted by: arizona dui attorney | Wednesday, 18 January 2012 at 02:46 AM