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Wednesday, 20 September 2006

Another one makes the leap!

BungeeA reader who is a "government lawyer" and writes basquette case, an anonymous blog about her plan to quit being an employee and open her own law firm officially gave notice yesterday.  Her detailed description of telling her boss begins:

"Yesterday, the DeathStar exploded, into a million little shiny pieces floating in space.

OK, only in my mind. Still. Pretty.

I got in early yesterday - about 8:15. Darth was in his office, growling at the computer, as he usually does first thing in the AM. Walking up the stairs, I realized I was shaking, I was so excited. There was a trembly feeling in the pit of my stomach - not unlike how I remember feeling the day before B'tina was born. You have Braxton Hicks contractions when you "birth" a new business venture. Who knew?!

I collected my wits in my office. I organized my troops - printed off the notice, which I'd emailed to myself the night before, took a few sips of coffee, mentally went over what I was gonna say...

I looked at the clock. 8:25. The troops would be changing shifts soon. Time for attack. I rose, on wobbly feet, clutching my resignation notice in my hand. Took a deep breath. Looked one more time at this blog. Reminded myself how far I'd come. No backing out after this. Am I ready? Finally ready to start seeing myself as a grownup, capable of running my own business and being a "real" lawyer?

Everything got pretty silent, and my whole body relaxed. It was like every cell was breathing out, Yesssss. I'm ready."
Read the rest

Good for you Basquette!  You are in for a long, strange and wonderful journey.  You help us all by sharing your excitement.  Can't wait to hear what comes next.


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» Bitacle Blog Search Archive - Another one makes the leap! from bitacle.org
[...] A reader who is a "government lawyer" and writes basquette case , an anonymous blog about her plan to quit being an employee and open her own law firm officially gave notice yesterday. [...] [Read More]

» Bitacle Blog Search Archive - Another one makes the leap! from bitacle.org
[...] A reader who is a "government lawyer" and writes basquette case , an anonymous blog about her plan to quit being an employee and open her own law firm officially gave notice yesterday. [...] [Read More]



A minute-by-minute resignation. Wow. How cool was that!? I admire her and anyone who 'goes out on their own'. One day...

Brent Schlenker

I'm looking forward to doing the same...soon...I need a good lawyer. I haven't checked out her blog yet, but I hope she is in AZ.
I do love this blog...thanks!

Steve Hankins

You do a great job with this blog!

Bryan C.Fleming

I did the exact same thing back in 1997. It was pretty scary to say the least. Thanks for posting this article. Very enjoyable to read ;)

- Bryan


Thanks for sharing this, it's always great to hear the positive stories such as this one. They definitely keep me motivated.

Matt Bailey

This month is the official 6-month mark of going out on my own. Reading through this story, it's amazing how similar the feelings are (less the Braxton-Hicks in my case.) I remember being absolutely giddy about resigning. I made the decision the day before while at work, and couldn't sleep that night as I was too excited and wanted to start everything then.

That day was very similar - I was waiting for the inevitable "talk" to happen, and got more excited to say "I'm resigning." with each passing minute.



Amazing! Inspiring!

I am planning my own leave around April 2007 to get back to home and back to writing; it's stories like these that keep me focused, inspired and motivated.

Thanks for sharing this one with us!

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